WP 1 - Review of the state of the art
- Act. 1.1: Project start up activities and kick-off meeting (M1-2)
- Act. 1.2: Mapping of the current curricula and programs in Serbia (M2-4)
- Act. 1.3: Benchmarking analysis of similar programmes in EU organizations (M2-5)
- Act. 1.4: Research visits to EU to gain first-hand knowledge on TE programs (M4-5)
- Act. 1.5: Drafting of a report containing recommendations/findings (M6)
- Act. 1.6: Project workshop in Novi Sad (M7)
WP 2 - Establishing legal framework for harmonizationa and regulation of teaching profession
- Act. 2.1: Revising and adopting teacher competences by Serbian authorities (M7-8)
- Act. 2.2: Elaboration of procedures for issuing teacher certificates and approval of TE programs (M8-11)
- Act. 2.3: Adding approved profile of a master subject teacher (M8-11)
- Act. 2.4: Elaboration of procedures for ensuring that programme courses can be recognized (M8-11)
- Act. 2.5: Elaboration of procedures on cooperation of universities, school and authorities regarding school practice (M10-13)
- Act. 2.6: Legislation tuning and developing (M10-15)
WP 3 – Development of curricula and teaching materials
- Act. 3.1: Agreement on a CD workplan (M7)
- Act. 3.2: Developing program and course learning outcomes and ECTS (M7-10)
- Act. 3.3: Drafting of curricula, development of main course contents and teaching materials (M10-16)
- Act. 3.4: Selection of teachers to be involved in the Master and retraining mission to EU (M10-12)
- Act. 3.5: Workshop on Master curriculum design in Nis (M15)
- Act. 3.6: Finalisation of Curricula on the basis of workshop outcomes (M15)
- Act. 3.7: Submission of curricula for accreditation(M15-16)
- Act. 3.8: Web publishing of updated teaching materials (as of M15)
WP 4 - Purchase of teaching equipment and bibliographic material
- Act. 4.1: School practice development work plan agreed (M7)
- Act. 4.2: Developing a model of school practice (M8-9)
- Act. 4.3: Establishment of criteria for school selection and estimation of school capacities (M10)
- Act. 4.4: Selection and formal engagement of schools performed (M11)
- Act. 4.5: Re-education teachers for mentorship role (M12-15)
WP 5 – Development of Quality Assurance mechanisms
- Act. 5.1: Definition of and procurement procedures (M7)
- Act. 5.2: Purchase of materials and installation of equipment (M15)
WP 6 –
- Act. 6.1: Mapping of the Quality Assurance mechanisms (M7-12)
- Act. 6.2: Drafting of courses evaluation questionnaires (M13)
- Act. 6.3: Distribution of evaluation questionnaire to students and elaboration or results (M16)
WP 7 - Implementation of newly developed TE courses
- Act. 7.1: Students' selection and enrolments (M14)
- Act. 7.2: Implementation of the courses (M16-33)
- Act. 7.3: Seminars of EU academic staff (M24-32)
- Act. 7.4: Internships of MA students to partners' institutions (M24-30)
WP 8 - Dissemination
- Act. 8.1: Planning of the dissemination activities (M2)
- Act. 8.2: Setting up and maintenance of the project web site (M1-4)
- Act. 8.3: Issuing of regular project newsletter (as of M6)
- Act. 8.4: Issuing of press releases (as of M2)
- Act. 8.5: Production of Students' guides (as of M12)
- Act. 8.6: Organisation of mid-term international dissemination conferences (M7,14,25)
- Act. 8.7: Info days for students (15-25)
- Act. 8.8: Final project conference (M35)
WP 9 - Project managing and coordination
- Act. 9.1: Organization of the kick-off meeting and appointments of members to sit in MB (M2)
- Act. 9.2: Drawing up of the handbook on project management (M1-6)
- Act. 9.3: Project monitoring (throughout project life-span)
- Act. 9.4: Project reporting (tentatively as M15)
WP 10 – Sustainability of project results
- Act. 10.1: Implementation of modernized curricula also after the end of the project
- Act. 10.2: Ensuring students enrolments also after the end of the project
- Act. 10.3: Appropriate feed-back mechanism to measure students' satisfaction maintained
- Act. 10.4: Arrangements to keep operational the on-line platform for on-line publishing of teaching materials
- Act. 10.5: Mantaining links between Serbian universities, school and relevant authorities
Detailed information concerning work packages available in : Tempus_MASTS_0903_COMPLETED_FINAL.pdf
Project dynamics showed in : Activity schedule.xls